Let your Breath give you new life!
How does Breathwork Therapy help?
Our whole life experience is stored in our body at both a conscious and unconscious level.
Using a connected and conscious breathing technique, the process oxygenates the body to a level that provides the opportunity for deep relaxation - body, mind and heart. Once the conscious body is in this state, it allows access to our subconscious thoughts, and experiences. It raises personal awareness and enhances your sense of Self. This new awareness leads to releasing whatever is no longer true or serving you, and to find your own conclusions and realisations for change and moving forward.
Breathwork Therapy is not hypnosis. The simple, safe and respectful breathing technique is something that can easily be learned. It can take the healing process from the mind energy to heart energy. That is where the true healing takes place.
When supported by a professional practitioner to ensure you maintain the process and to remain in a conscious state, it can bring relief, clarity, understanding and new direction in your life.
'Self realisations will always be more meaningful, powerful and authentic than those given to you from another.'
When can I use Breathwork Therapy?
Almost everyone can benefit from Breathwork Therapy. The process is most successful when clients are ready to take steps for change in themselves and/or their life circumstances, and to accept personal responsibility for their life experiences and situations.
Whilst it is not usually an 'everyday' breathwork practice, Breathwork Therapy is a technique and tool that can be used anytime when you have a strong need and desire to change aspects of your life that you are not happy about, and wanting relief/change.
How can it help?
Breathwork Therapy is beneficial for people needing relief, clarity or direction with a wide range of typical human emotions and life experiences, such as:
Emotional stress or trauma
Family / Relationship drama
Anxiety / Depression
Childhood trauma / PTSD
Sadness / Grief
Addictions & Co-dependency
Seeking a sense of Self
Become responsible for their own wellbeing
Seeking direction in life
Freeing themselves of habitual and restricting patterns
Integrating feelings and improving emotional balance
Eliminating or changing negative beliefs systems
Seeking Spiritual development
Problem resolutions
...........or whatever is troubling you
Other breathing techniques can be used in between Breathwork Therapy sessions for more regular relief and coping mechanisms. Ask your practitioner about appropriate options.
Is Breathwork Therapy compatible with my regular mental health practitioner?
In most cases, yes it is.
Breathwork Therapy is a perfect companion to your, or your clients' existing mental health program, and can assist in moving through blocks in your/their progress.
Unlike many other breathwork techniques, we do not force catharsis, which often requires re-creating the emotional drama. Emotional trauma and healing can be made without recreating the drama!
Due to the gentle nature of this process and the close monitoring by the practitioner, it allows each person to discover the cause whilst 'staying in the present'. Emotions can still be experienced, yet you maintain the ability for a more conscious review and response.
It is recommended that you discuss this process with your regular mental health provider before commencing.
'Soul Focus' talk
with Brooke Hadland, Intuitive Focus
I recently had a great time chatting with Brooke Hadland from Intuitive Focus, about Breathwork Therapy and The Power Within - Breathwork Training.
Check out the You tube recording below!
About Breathwork Therapy